Terri Schwall太太
我的情緒依然十分低落,甚至比我所想像的更甚。我雙眼的四周圍著很深的眼圈,既紫又綠亦黑的。我調查了很多不同種類的化妝品。我的水療中心建議我找 Franché的專業化妝師看看。跟Franché的化妝師會面後,我對礦物彩妝作出研究,並打算試用,且看它能於整形手術後的我發揮甚麼功效。
它所發揮的功效與事先說明的完全吻合。它不但完全遮蓋了我眼部嚴重的挫傷,它甚至令我看似不曾做過整形手術。使用Franché產品的方法亦非常簡 單,我 利用非常柔軟的化妝掃,把遮暇霜塗上眼部四周及眼的底部。我又塗上粉底及胭脂。我亦以Franché的眉筆輕輕的在眉上塗畫。坦白的承認,我有些擔心卸妝 的問題,我擔心卸妝會有困難,即使化妝師曾對我說我可以很輕易地卸除臉上的化妝。結果,我使用了Franché的三合一潔面卸妝泡泡(3-in-1 Cleansing Cream Mousse),不費吹灰之力我便卸除去臉上的化妝了。我再以此溫和的清潔眼部皮膚,眼部周圍的化妝品亦立即去除了。
我用左FRANCHÉ產品已經有一個月多, 感覺唔錯, 我覺得最犀利既產品就係BALANCING ACT, 因為佢做到十分好既退紅效果, IT’S SO IMPRESSIVE
我 每天早晚都會用3-in-1 Cleansing Crème Mousse, 呢隻洗面泡泡可以去死表, 用左一星期, 不知不覺面既顏色都變白左, 洗完面就噴兩下SEA MIST, 感覺好舒服好清爽, 之後再用Crème Balancing Act Moisturizer(Day Cream) / Créme Revive (Night Cream)
另外, 我有用GENTLE FACIAL REFINER作PEELING, 用後感覺去左角質層, 會有少許脫皮現象, 不過係正常既!
總體來說, 用過FRANCHÉ產品之後, 感覺係好FRESHING, 完全唔需要擔心有反常現象, 好放心試用
岩 岩完成左第一次CHIRALLY CORRECT TREATMENT, 感覺好痛, 針清完, 成塊面好似衝滿血. 第二日起身都係會紅腫, 之後我立即用BALANCING ACT就好好多. 再過多一日就開始見到額上既暗粒平左好多, 好開心終於可以擺脫一直跟左我一年有多既暗粒, 當然要多謝美容師VICKY咁用心機幫我對付佢地!
做完TREATMENT, 比較乾, 可能天氣有影響, 脫左好多皮, 今次仲紅D添, 真係有D唔想出街, 因為怕被人覺得自己唔正常, 係女仔都唔鐘意自己皮膚差, 所以皮膚唔好都會令我失去左一定既自信心, 所以我決心要整好佢
VICKY幫我做左個NUVO RICH MASK, 好水潤, 感覺塊面冇咁TIGHT, 而家塊面有好印, 希望可以慢慢減退啦!
Cherry Chu
Myself is a Franche User , from skin care to Cosmetics all is Franche ,
well to be honest , i don have any big problem for my skin , but i suffer from
Blackhead and whitehead and Sensitive skin also , i cant simply use anything on my face , it react very fast if it doenst suit me , my face will have red spots and grow alot of Blackhead and Whitehead , S.N.Beauty is my beautician , i have been their customer for more then 4 years . Last year they intro me this Franche range , but i not dare to use any cosmetics on my skin so i decided to try use Franche skin care and Cosmetics ,and it turn out to be good and suits my skin , and
each time after i have my facial done , my healing is very slow and will have alot scars so when i use their skin care and cosmetics , and it heal very fast , and my skin is getting better and better . Now this picture , i only use their Franche Compact foundation and Lipgloss , ( Their Lipgloss is very nice , everytime i suffer from dryness i just apply it for few days then it cure and it also give me lip pinkish color )
I love their Foundation is because whenever i have Pimples or sensitive that will red , i just apply it and at night the redness is gone and the pimples also grow smaller .And it won clog my pores , this is the only cosmetics i can use for my sensitive skins , i also use before serveral of BB creams , non of them work for me , such as : Dr Jart BB cream , Skinfood , Missha and more .
So what i can say is , even is expensive but this i can use for very very long time , this only is my first compact , i havent even use finish ^^ .
This is why i want to intro it to every one out there that have same problem like me , and help them out , those who prefer natural make up and product , i can say this is the best . Thank you Franche .Hope everyone will love this.
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